Dear Life

My two precious daughters got sick this week. You would think that nine years of motherhood would have prepared me for this but sadly, no, I was not.
It started with a simple fever on Monday evening. I was not worried then. I knew how to handle fever. Sponge baths, ice pack on the forehead, monitor the temperature, paracetamol every four hours. I have done it many times before. Tuesday morning, my little girl Zoe has a slight fever too. I wanted them both to stay home so the fever won't progress but my eldest daughter pleaded that she didn't want to miss anything in school. Sigh, I told the nanny to stay a little longer than usual in school to make sure that both are okay. I went to work but decided to take the afternoon off so that I could make sure that the kids are okay.
When I arrived home I was surprised to see my mom and my sister in our room fuzzing over my eldest. As I entered the room I noticed how my mom looked. She was panicking. She looks like this when she's worried. "What's her temp?", I asked. "105.8 F", my mom whispered. I was shocked! I quickly changed clothes and took my daughter to the bathroom and gave her a cold bath. My heart was beating fast. I was the calm one...but all of a sudden I was thrown aback. The whole time her temperature only went down to 105 F. Worried was too light a word to describe how I was feeling. I called hubby and told him we might have to bring both the kids to the hospital.
We stayed in the hospital overnight then. We were sent home when their temperatures got down to normal. Their blood tests were normal. However, the evening the next day my eldest had high fever again. My medical background told me I had to bring her back to make sure that it was not Dengue Fever . Waiting for the result was killing me. It was like waiting for my sentence to be served. I told hubby and my daughter that I wanted to go to the chapel. I prayed with all that I am worth. And told my daughter to do the same. She smiled at me, "I already prayed mom. He already heard us."
It amazed me how certain she sounded when she said that. I banked on her faith. And I was not disappointed. She was negative for Dengue Fever. I felt as if the large knife that pierced through my heart was suddenly removed and I could breath again. I kissed and cuddled them both through the night and held their hands while they slept. If anything happened to them, I would die.
I would give everything up in a split second, even my life, just so my children could live. I realized even more how precious each moment with them counts. If only I could keep them in my pocket and take them wherever I go each day, I would.
Here's a nice quote from an unknown author that really touched my heart. Hope you like it and remember life is too precious to waste on hate, anger and pride. Love life and it will love you back.
"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good." ~ Author Unknown
Have a great weekend dearie.God Bless You all always.Hugs!
God bless you and them!
"never put off until tomorrow the loving words (and acts) you can say (and do) TODAY"
have a wonderful day! take care