Dare to Live the Dream

"No dreamer is ever too small; no dream is ever too big."

I grew up in a home where dreams were encouraged. I may have brought along the dreamer in me as I was growing up. I also learned that the way a person looks at dreams also mature with them. The younger me would have thrived in waiting for things to happen, content in just feeling good when other people achieved theirs and wishing...wishing very hard that mine would come true, one day.

As I was growing old, I kept dreaming of a better place, a better life, a better me. Each morning I wake up and ask myself, is this the life I am meant to live? And each time my heart would say no, there must be something more, much much more than what is right now.

It's not that I was disappointed with the kind of life I have. Oddly, it took very little to make me very happy. But there was this small piece of me that says I could make things even better, that I could raise the bar another notch. So I went through life searching for this. This something that would add meaning to my life.

At a very young age I learned that money does not make the world go round, sure it could jazz it up a bit, but the real ticker, my mother taught me, was love and family. If you had that, wow, you were rich, rich in what mattered most in life. No matter how fat your paycheck may be at the end of the day if you have no one to share it with, it didn't really matter much. That lesson, I kept close to my heart.

And so today, I want to share with you some tidbits I learned along the way.

1. Life doesn't stop when you reached a certain point in your life; like marriage, having kids, or getting a promotion. Make these experiences your wings, to soar higher, to share more of yourself, to give some back.

2. For my married friends, having a family shouldn't be an excuse to stop dreaming. Dreams are for everyone. Get one and make it come true.

3. Don't be too hard on yourself when you make mistakes. Smile, relax and most of all learn to laugh at yourself. Stand up and get back on your feet again, this time you know better.

4. Always give back to life the blessings you have received. Don't be afraid to share. There is more where it came from, much much more.

5. Don't feel guilty when you sometimes just want to sleep all day and do just nothing. You work very hard, you deserve the break. And sleep helps you regroup, regain your strength and allows you to dream some more.

6. Despite your busy schedule, always schedule time to call or visit your mom and dad. Remember, when you were younger, you were their world...and they never stopped thinking that, even if they already have grandchildren. Give back the time and love they showered you then. Your love and time may mean more than you think.

7. Take time out to take care of yourself. By doing that you can give more and be more to others.

8. Hugs will never be out of fashion. Hoard it, store, get it at every opportunity. We need loads of these no matter what age we are in. I am guilty of hoarding every chance I get... it is an elixir that cannot be found anywhere.

9. Respect other's opinions, although it sometimes differ from yours. You may be surprised to learn something new by just listening.

10. Love with abandon, never hold anything back. The chance may not present itself again. Don't let fear hold you back. So what if it's not reciprocated, it is yours to give. Enjoy each moment, seize every opportunity. Time could be a friend if you use it wisely.

I realized I have learned so much the days I was away. Although I loved to write about my life, I also learned that I must live it first before I could write much more.

I miss all my blogger friends. I hope to read about your life more each day too. Have a blessed 2012.


surjit singh said…
Hello Sophiagurl,
Just stopped by to say Hello!!I hope everything is fine.
God bless.
Shosh said…
Great post. Number 5 is what I'm working on, but sometimes, I just can't help it. When I sleep all day, I think about all the things I could have done instead.
Zunnur said…
Hi Sophiagurl,

I truly agree with all you've written, I can feel that its coming deep from your heart. Although wealth doesn't promise happiness but greed has caused people to go all out for money and forgot about other important aspects of life.

Btw, how are you? Hope all is well. I missed you too and the times when we had more time for blogging. You were actually the first person to become my friend when I first stepped into Blogosphere many years ago.
Sophiagurl said…
@surjit - sorry for the late reply. Thanks very much for the visit. Take care
Sophiagurl said…
@shosh - i know that feeling. But then you deserve some reprieve. Sleep is such a small reward for all the work that you do.
Sophiagurl said…
@Zunnur - thank you my friend for dropping by. Yes it has been awhile, but all is well. I hope to drop by as often but only if time permits:) I'm glad to be your first friend here and will continue to be one as long as bloggerville is here hehe:) take care!
Abu Zunnur said…
Hi Sophiagurl,

Thank you so much for visiting my blog despite your busy days, I was so glad to hear from you.
Anonymous said…
Item 5 is very relatable to me. Thanks for putting that one up. For some people, its easier for them to associate the behavior to being "lazy". What they don't realize is that, sometimes the need to do nothing or sleep our hearts out, is a way to self-actualization and giving a momentary pause to check ourselves if we are still alright, so we can again regain our needed strength, to fight for life.

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