the good life...

i was watching my SATC dvds and run in on a quote from Carrie, "life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." that had me thinking. are we sometimes so busy with thoughts and plans for our life in the future that we are actually missing "living it" in the here and now?
i remember when i was younger, my parents would always talk to me about the importance of education. according to them having a good education, that is, graduating from college and getting a good job would get me the life i wanted. but is that really ALL life is about?
some days i get up asking myself, "is this it?" is this what i was born for? getting up at 530am, get ready for work, take my daughter to school, kiss my husband goodbye as i head off to my office, work my butt off for 8, sometimes 10 hours, and then head home and have dinner... and then, and then be greated by two beautiful girls all smiling and giggling, excited to see me, to hug me and to cuddle with me as they tell me how their day went and how much they missed having me beside them all day long. my husband sitting there beside me as we listened to two chatty and giggly little girls talking at the same time about their dollies and their favorite tv show . . . then i pause and say to myself... YES. my head nodding vigourously, this is pretty much the life that i had planned for myself all along... knowing that someone loves me no-matter-what (well someone other than my parents, of course), having 2.5 kids and have a house of my own, no matter how small. nothing fancy or frivolous.
i don't want to busy myself with "could haves, would haves, should haves". i want my life to say "i did, i have, and i always will"...and live this own version of, the good life.
Actually, John Lennon said that, in his lovely song "Beautiful Boy", written for his younger son. It's on the Double Fantasy album, if you're curious. It's a great song for a father.