Of Hopes and Dreams

"What is now proved, was once only imagined." - William Blake
That phrase caught my eye today and it got stuck in my mind all day. Big things often start small, it often starts in the backs of our mind. A secret wish, a hope for a better and brighter future, a dream, we at one time, thought was unattainable. Elusive.
But you know what? It was because someone dared to dream that one day we won't have to use candles to light our houses, that the light bulb was invented. And because one man dared to dream that he could connect and contact people anywhere in the world, that we now have telephones. And because one man dreamed we can listen to quality music, watch our favorite movie without needing to bring the DVD and CD Player anytime, anywhere, the i-Pod was invented! LOL.
So many things were made possible because people dared to dream. And probably the most important part, they had the courage to make it come true.
When I was a little girl, I often day dreamed of becoming a doctor, meeting my Prince Charming and marrying him, have kids, a house, a car and one day retiring in Paris. You might say those were simple enough dreams and totally attainable. But to a little girl like I was then, those were big ones.
Well, I almost became a doctor, I married my Prince Charming and had beautiful daughters with him too! I have a house and a car and I'm on my way to the last part...retiring in Paris! hehe. And you know, all throughout my childhood and even today, there was never a time that my mom and dad told me that those dreams were unattainable. They often told me, "If you believe in it, you can make it happen."
“Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” ~ excerpt from the song A Dream is a Wish in Your Heart

You have a very refreshing blog. I specially liked the choice of pictures, and also the way you have presented your thoughts. It was a pleasure... I have subscribed to your feeds so that i do not miss your future posts...
Aseem - Lets Talk Insights
You are such a wonderful person,no wonder your dreams came true.I hope you have a wonderful retirement in Paris :)
Thanks for such these beautiful pearls of wisdom.TC.God Bless.Hugsss!
I always love it here. It is so calm and peaceful.
Oh my and how very,very true what you have written about dreams is.
I too hope you have a wonderful retirement in Paris. Gee, I can't wait to hear you blog all about Paris.
I just woke up from a long delicious afternoon nap and I am back to visiting. so I just had to come visit you!!
Love and Hugs,
Wonderful post :)
Yes dreams are attainable and as long as we believe in ourselves we can also achieve a great deal.
I have a quick tag for you...really easy one....Click here for details :)
Have a wonderful day,
God bless!
@@@Sameera - (blush) thank you sweety, you're so sweet. Feel humbled that you think of me that way. Hugggggsss. Thank you also for the tag, will make time to do it very soon. Take Care dear!
@@@Kalyan - Thank you, I also do admire you for being able to do things that you love and constantly having a grand time.
@@@Jackie - Dear Jackie! I am ecstatic to see you back here, missed you so much when you went away. I do hope you'll never leave us again...we were desolate without you=) love and kisses!
@@@Colin - thank you kind Sir and yeah I saw your tag. Thank you for always keeping me in mind my friend. =)
@@@Hailey - Wow! you know you made my day with the award. I am really honored =) Thank you so much.
@@@Louann - I guess it also takes courage and resilience to make our dreams come true. God bless you and your boys. =)