and they have spoken...
At first when the idea crossed my mind about asking people to write about their blessings, I was afraid that no one would heed the call. I was hesitant to press publish. But today when I saw all your responses I was filled with so much joy.
Shelly in This Eclectic Life has a beautiful post about her blesssings. It's called Work-It's Not My "Ball and Chain". She writes about her "gift of story". Her article is about how, by some divine intervention, she found a job that gives her great joy. Incidentally, the funny folktale she told was called "God Will Provide". She says "I keep telling stories, because this is what I was meant to do." What a blessing to discover your gift, make good use of it and touch other people's lives.
Pieter in Only God keeps me going wrote God in His Wisdom Will Take Care of You. The article talks about the secret of true happiness. He writes, "I have learned there is little I can do in my life that will make me truly happy. I must depend on God to make me happy and to meet my needs."
Thank you Shelly and Pieter for sharing. You are so blessed in ways you may never even know.
To those who promised to write their posts, I am looking forward to your entries so I can feature it here.
God bless you all!
And Sophiagurl,this the ultimate Truth.The sooner we put it into our daily lives the better it is for us.
A very good post.My best wishes.
Why pray? it is through prayer that we speak to Him. But prayer is not merely asking for things and favors. It is a dialogue. If you have time, you may read a post I wrote about prayer. Hope this helps.
Peace be unto you..(Is this the answer to my question ??)
GOD keeps me going
I will be posting my share of blessings at my blog, But right now it only has one post since I have just started my blog. I'm not a tech-savvy person so please bear with my humble blog. I'm slowly learning how to blog at wordpress.
when the soul itself is wrecking then y he doesn't help..
tell me one thing from a mind of a suicidal person whose all hopes have eluded u justify it...y then after so many prayers that person going to take big step..God let it happen...
p.s. didi this template is bit hazy..trouble reading :(
to answer your question why does God let it must remember my friend that there is that thing called "free will". whatever "we" allow to happen in our lives is our responsibility. God is there to guide us to show us choices...the right path. it our "will" so to speak that dictates where we choose to go. the left or the right, the right path or the wrong one. i hope that helped.
but the whats the purpose of living...pain he gives...happiness he he gives n death he gives..
answers are many ..n choices are also his....but seems we only have to find that..
love u sis :) u r very good..i m really happy i met u..:)
i can tell u if u knw edit html..:(
i'm sorry about the template, i don't know how i can change the font you know how?=)
In Blogger from your Dashboard click on Settings, then click on Templates, then Fonts and Colours and there is a selection of changes that you can make.
Hope that is of some help to you.
God Bless you
I should probably read these posts now as they may help me. We just got some scary news at the doctor and I am feeling stressed (as on my personal blog).
Thank you for sharing God on the internet.