and it poured...
Susie J speaks about the difference between Blessings and Joys. She says, 'Never are we closer to our true selves than we are hurting. This is where we find out who we are, what we are made of, and how the invisible presence of spirit is always carrying us through life, step by step. And God Bless the days that are full of joy and free from grief.' She says blessings could come in many forms. She says, "Many of the external things we rely on could change and disappear. True blessings come from within and cannot be taken away. And I do find comfort in that some of the greatest internal blessings will always be with me." Thank you very much of such a nice post.
The next contributor is someone close to my heart, my dad. He wants to share his post called, It's Quarter to Three. Yes people, my dad's a blogger too! and I am mighty proud of it too. He is still quite new in the blogosphere but I'm very sure he'll pick up well. Listen to his heart as he talks about his struggles in life. He asks God, "As I gaze at the image of Jesus at the cross. I ask, what is the most painfull of all? Is it the nail in your hands, or the one on your feet? Is it the crown of thorns in your head or the open flesh on your back?" ... Only by grace can we enter into this blessed bliss. Only by grace can we stand and come into thy presence.
Cotojo over at Secure your PC for the Internet and Privacy has posted these beautiful Blessings. At first I thought this blog was only about techy stuff but looking deeper one sees that there is more to it than meets the eye. Inside I see a beautiful person who is generous with his knowledge, kind and caring to others. He quotes, “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.” –Winston Churchill
I hope this beautiful posts will serve as inspirations in your lives as they have inspired mine. Let's keep those blessings pouring in.
thank you blackpurl for the visit. you are very much welcome to share your blessings and i will post it here.
Hope to see more Blessings joining your post :o)
God Bless and keep you all safe
I will be back for more!!
I have my last exam today!
peace & love